“It's a tough balance. While the US has some level of obligation given its prior history of pollution and being partially responsible for current climate issues, it doesn't seem fully fair for the country to be forced to take thousands/millions of immigrants when we have so many issues to deal with, including climate change issues, here already. ”

“Regarding effects of climate change upon immigration - not only to the USA but to other higher-ground countries farther from the equator: For some time now immigrating farmers from Central America have been reporting inability to farm due to extreme heat; add to this the politics of many countries expelling or enslaving whole minority populations (Africa, S. & C. America, China), and some country's govt. declaring -or preparing to declare - war against other countries (Russia-> Ukraine, China-> Taiwan, N. Korea->S. Korea, and there may be others I am missing): There are a lot of factors supporting the complex interactions of climate change through politics and other kinds of fanaticism to immigration: Though appearing a simple question, really quite complex; but good to be asked ....”

• “We need to set up a system where people came come here to work legally. We need people who will do the jobs no one else wants to do ” •“Immigration should be the top priority for our legislative body. Immigrants must come through the process to be in this country ... NOT STEPPING OVER THE BORDER & making themselves at home. Close the border until this is fixed. ”

“lazy US politicians in congress failing to do their job but continue to whine about the problem.”

“if we don't fix climate change, there won't be ANYWHERE for anyone to migrate to”

“It is important but not to the exclusion of exclusion of everything else”

“First immigration isn’t going away The current system is broken and inhumane. ”

“We have to develop a pragmatic system for legally admitting immigrants to the US. We need the lower skilled laborers, and the contributions they will make to the tax base and Soc-Sec!”

“Most of the real immigration issues are not the ones the news makes noise about, and the concerns the GOP raises have almost no recognizable resemblance to the facts on the ground. Immigration as it’s discussed is a shibboleth. That said, BECAUSE of climate change as well as the aging of the US population we won’t be able to ignore the issue - it’s just the way we examine it is stupid, so unless and until we treat it as a climate change issue we will get nowhere.”